Sunday, November 10, 2013

Oh Prague. Where do I even begin? Prague is like that cool kid in your class that knows he's cool but will never admit it. People will ooh and ahh as he walks by but he'll always act like he doesn't care. With the exception of Budapest (duh) Prague is THE coolest city in Eastern Europe. The entire city has an old feel to it, but everyone there is super young and the nightlife is killer. Before I recount the days' events I would like to give a special shout out to my brother, Matthew. He spent a semester abroad in Prague and pretty much everything we saw and ate was recommended by him. THAAAAANKSSSSSS MATTHEWWWWWWWW.

During the first day there we checked out the Old-New Synagogue in the Jewish quarter, walked across the Charles Bridge, took way too many pictures at the John Lennon wall, drank beer on top of a hill at this old monastery turned brewery, and went to a rad bar with live music. I ate this potato dumpling dish for lunch, garlic bread at the monastery for a snack, KFC (!!!!!!!!!!!) for dinner, and a fried cheese sandwich for another snack / dessert. Lots of hot wine was also consumed that day, because that's apparently a thing sold on every block.

Here's a picture of me in Prague. The rest of the pictures included in this post will be of food. You've been warned.
If you are looking at this picture and you know what this delicious dish is called please let me know.
A little taste of home<3 also please note the fact that there are REAL french fries and not just potato wedges! Sorcery!
Fried. Cheese. Sandwich. Need I say more?
On day two I was graced with the opportunity to travel around by myself, due to the fact that I caught a flight to Lisbon that afternoon while my travel companions stayed one extra night in Prague. Before we split up we had a delicious breakfast at Bohemia Bagel and I ate my first bagel in just about two months. Then I headed back to the Jewish quarter by myself to see the other things there besides that one synagogue we went into on the first day. The thing that stuck with me most was the inside of the Pinkas Synaguge, where close to 80,000 names of Holocaust victims are written on the walls. After bumming myself out I decided the only way to make myself feel better was to eat a large amount of food, so I headed across the city to Radost FX (some club / lounge / bar / restaurant where Rihanna filmed a music video) and ate the most delicious nachos in the entire world. To anyone out there from Boston who may be reading this, I kid you not these nachos are better than Sunset. Major, major props to my good friend Rachel for convincing me to eat there. Without your constant nagging I would have never made the trip out there, so thank you for being persistent.

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.

Overall, Prague was a real winner. Sad to only have a day and a half there because I felt like there was still so much more to see, but it was really great to be able to see exactly why Matthew loved living there so much!

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