Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Oh my gosh I am the worst person ever and have totally abandoned this blog. For those of you concerned about my whereabouts, have no fear - I am safe and sound in cozy little Geneva. This whole working 9-5 thing is much harder than I thought it would be (shout out to the best summer job ever that I'll be returning to in 2014 and probably every summer after that for the rest of my life) and my free time is usually spent doing homework for the class I'm taking, but since this week is the busiest week I've had here and I have no time to do anything besides study it only seems natural that I should procrastinate by blogging.

I'm trying to think back a month and a half ago to Lisbon, Portugal where I spent the last part of my fall break, but my apologies if this post is a little short. Here's what you need to know about Lisbon:

-We took a tour through a company called "We Hate Tourism" in which we visited a bunch of non-touristy spots and ate really delicious food. The main highlight was standing on the edge of the most-Western spot in mainland Europe, but the Portuguese pastries came in at a close second.

Three cheers for cool sights!

Helloooooo beautiful<3
-All the food there is delicious. The first night we were there we had all you can eat sushi which was AWESOME because I've been deprived of good seafood since August. The second night we had "traditional" Portuguese food. I ordered seafood soup and grilled salmon....not entirely sure why those things are considered traditional Portuguese cuisine but I'm not complaining.

Our unlimited plate of sushi. I'm choosing not to include the picture of my salmon from the second night, because I'm assuming everyone who reads this blog has seen salmon before...more than likely at dinner with me.
-Everything in Lisbon is pretty and if you ever think you might want to visit you should. You should also take me with you. I always thought I'd make a great tour guide, and there's no better place to start that career than in a city I spent a mere two and a half days in.

Stay tuned for updates about Chur, Amsterdam, Chamonix, and (soon to be) Zermatt.

PS: I'll be home in 12 short days. HOW CRAZY IS THAT!?! Now accepting offers for plans (especially those involving food) so please plan for my arrival accordingly. I can't wait to see all of you beautiful people. Yes, even you Matthew.

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