Sunday, November 3, 2013

My apologies in advance for taking so long to update this thing. Time flies when you're having fun! It also flies when you're starting your first 9-5 job and would rather spend your evenings lying in bed watching Netflix with no pants on instead of updating your blog.

I went to four countries over fall break and I think I'm going to go ahead and type up a new post for each one. That way you don't feel like you're typing a novel and I don't feel like I'm writing an unnecessarily long post that no one will read. Win win situations for the win!

First up: Budapest. Let me start by saying that even though we only spent two full days there I LOVE this city so much. I think the fact that it's in a country called Hungary might have something to do with it, but beyond that the atmosphere is perfect for young people and there was never a dull moment during our time there.

We arrived at our hostel (MAJOR shout out to the Budapest Bubble - the staff was so nice and friendly and we had a great time staying there) early Saturday morning and immediately hit the ground running. Here's a list of things we did on the first day:

1. Ate a delicious brunch at some cute cafe. I had eggs with cheese mushrooms tomatoes and basil and they were yummy. Unfortunately I was so hungry that I immediately started eating without taking a picture first (sorry Nikki).

2. Walked around the Grand Market Hall in a single file line because everyone and their grandma was there and the aisles were way thin.


I like to think that our happiness levels were equal in this very moment.
4. Had a relaxing dip in the thermal baths and saw a bunch of fat naked old people.

I like this picture because my feet look super big
5. ate bacon-wrapped chicken stuffed with cheese in a creamy corn sauce (NOM)

welcome to Nom City, population: this piece of chicken.

6. got a full night sleep because we woke up at 4am that morning to fly to Budapest.

So even though we were absolutely exhausted by the end of it day one was an overall success. We spent most of day 2 on the Pest side of Budapest (more info can be found here). The day's events went something like this:

1. Ate a cheeseburger for breakfast at this rad place called Good Bar Good Burger. Don't worry mom, it was a small burger AND it came with a side salad.

pancakes are SOOO last year
2. Watched a bunch of sweaty Hungarian people run a marathon and pretended like it was marathon Monday

3. Crossed the bridge into Pest and walked up a huge hill / walked around the top of said hill most of the day.

4. Did archery for the first time since like 2005 (hi Camp Pocono Ridge miss ya) and hit the bullseye!!!!! Just kidding... I failed almost as miserably as I did when I was 12.

I volunteer as tribute
5. Ate yummy sausage for lunch and converted my vegetarian friend to a meat-eater for the rest of our travels.

6. Visited the Dohány Street Synagogue aka the largest synagogue in Europe. It was super amazing and was by far the biggest highlight of Budapest (besides the sloths of course)

In this moment I was incredibly thankful that I had my Bat Mitzvah in the cafeteria of an elementary school and not a giant synagogue that could hold 3,000 people.
7. Ate authentic Hungarian goulash and rabbit in a red wine sauce for dinner. I'm pretty sure I'm allergic to rabbits, so eating them is my way of getting back at them for making me sneeze.

This is goulash
This is rabbit

8. Went out to a ruin bar with our new friends from the hostel!

Look mom I have friends!

So in summary: Budapest is amazing, sloths live there, the synagogue is ginormous, the food is delicious, and I'm incredibly confident that I will be back there for an extended period of time some day. It's 11pm here and I have work bright and early tomorrow morning (my internship is going really well by the way!) so I'm going to hold off on posting more about my trip. But to those of you who have been asking for me to update this thing - enjoy.

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