Sunday, November 10, 2013

Anddddd she's back with another post! This one's about the second leg of my Fall break trip i.e. Vienna, Austria. I registered for Spring semester classes recently and decided that I'm going to take creative writing, so I'm feeling inspired to write this post in the form of haikus. I anticipate that the first two will be entertaining and then after that they'll just get annoying, but please humor me and try to stick it out until the end.

For those of you unfamiliar with haikus, the format is
5 syllables
7 syllables
5 syllables
and in my opinion it's the easiest and most fun style of poetry to write. Here goes nothing...

Vienna is cool
We didn't do a whole lot
But the food was good

First we ate sausage
From this tiny old lady
And it was yummy

Then we ate schnitzel
It was bigger than my head
Thanks for the tip, Bruce

Steaming hot chocolate
Was also present that trip
Once it had rum, yum!

We didn't just eat
Although it may seem like it
We saw cool stuff, too

Things we saw include
But are not limited to
A huge ferris wheel

Modern art was viewed
At some place called the Mumok
And then we ate more

Vienna is missed
We had a relaxing time
I will be back soon

Hope that wasn't TOO annoying! Check out the pictures below and stay tuned for updates about Prague and Lisbon. If you're (un)lucky I might stretch my creativity even more and try my hand at limericks.

I'm a firm believer in the fact that Figlmuller genetically engineers its schnitzel.

Hot chocolate with rum. Not pictured: the blanket I snuggled up with while drinking this bad boy.

No haiku could do this omelette justice, but this baby was from a cute place called The Breakfast Club.

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