Monday, September 9, 2013

I think this is the point in the program where I don't really have a whole lot to blog about because I'm fairly adjusted to Geneva but haven't actually done anything or gone anywhere yet. Things that have happened since my last update include....

Finding a service for Rosh Hashana! A small group of us went to a Chabad Geneva service. We got in, flipped through the prayer book ferociously trying to figure out what was going on, got our prayer on with a bunch of women in the back of the room, and left. It was a very short and sweet service and I'm glad that I was able to see a little bit of the Jewish community around here.

Starting classes! During the first half of the program I am taking French 1 and Principles of International Health. Let it be known that although my last name is technically French, I have not and (probably) will not ever speak that language fluently for reasons being that there are 16 different ways to pronounce every letter and I get confused very easily. I suppose this is the part where you picture me sitting through a French class and laugh hysterically over the blank expression on my face. Nothing big to report about the health class yet but stay tuned.

Experiencing Geneva's nightlife! Trying to keep my blog G-rated so ask me about this if you are curious.

Eating dinner on top of Mount Salève in France! On Saturday night we finally had our official "welcome dinner" which seems silly because we arrived five whole days before that. But it actually ended up working out well because having a big formal dinner the first or second night here would have been awkward due to the fact that none of us were friends. We took a (scary) cable car ride up to the top of the mountain and dined in this fancy schmancy restaurant. Dinner was BANGIN and included salad, chicken and veggies covered in sauce (and if you know me you know I love a good sauce), chocolate cake, and lots and lots of wine.

This is the mountain
This is salad
This is chicken and sauce
This is cake
Here's a quick list of things I will probably be blogging about in the upcoming weeks...
-cheese factory visit in Gruyere (NOM)
-hiking and canyoning in Interlaken
-eating a lot of yummy Italian food in Lugano

Miss ya Murica!

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