Friday, August 30, 2013

So here it is - my inaugural blog post! I debated for the past few months about whether or not I would actually follow through with this blog nonsense. Half of me thinks this might be a bit narcissistic...I mean, does anyone out there ACTUALLY care about the shenanigans I'm getting myself into in Europe (besides my mom...hey Ellen, I know you're reading this and I appreciate it)? And, more importantly, how am I supposed to "live in the moment" and take advantage of everything I'm doing over there if I'm constantly thinking about which pictures of my dinner I should upload to this thing? But the other half of me knows that by writing about my experiences abroad I'll have something to look back on later, and that seems like a good enough reason to try this thing out.

I suppose I should inform you, whoever you are, of where I am going and what I'll be doing once I'm there so that you fully understand why I am choosing to start blogging in the first place. Since being accepted to this program in April I have answered a handful of the same questions every time I tell someone I'll be studying abroad. To keep this post (relatively) short, I've created this handy FAQ (click here!) for you to read!

Quick information for you to know: I'll be taking classes, interning, and playing in Geneva, Switzerland from the beginning of September until midway through December.

So I suppose that's it for now. Thanks in advance for reading! I don't want to be annoying and clog anyone's newsfeed every time I create a new post on here, so if you want to keep up with my trip but don't want to check this thing all the time I THINK there's some way for you to subscribe. To the right of this fancy post there should be something that says "follow by email" and I'm pretty sure all you have to do is type your information into there, but since I'm no blogspot expert I could be making that up. Maybe google "how to subscribe to Lindsey's Switzerland blog" or something. I'm sure that will yield many results.

Stay classy,

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