Here's a list of the best / worst questions I've received so far about where I'm going and what I'll be doing there....

1. Where are you going? Genovia?
I'm neither visiting Genovia nor becoming a princess while there, but I will be spending three and a half months in Geneva, Switzerland.

2. What are you doing there besides eating mass amounts of chocolate?
Hiking, eating a lot of cheese, and drowning myself in wine. I'll also be taking three classes (Principles of International Health, Controversies in International Health, and French I) and interning for the second half of the semester.

3. Where are you interning?
I still don't know the answer to this question, but as soon as I do I will post something on here about it!

4. Is this a BU program? How many students will be there? Are they all from BU or are other schools represented?
This is indeed a BU program! The "Boston University Geneva Public Health Internship Program" to be exact. There is also a BU International Relations program going on at the same time, same place. From my understanding there are around 50 students total hailing from all over the country, although most of them are BU students like myself.

5. Are you packed / ready / excited / nervous?
No, no, yes, yes

6. How can I get in touch with you? Does Switzerland have wifi?
Lucky for you (and me) it will still be 2013 while I'm abroad and so wifi will definitely be a thing. Please message me on Facebook or download the app "Viber" and text me on there. Grandma and grandpa, Viber isn't available on your flip phones so I will be sure to email you when anything big happens.

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